Intellidance® Tots FAQ:
I’m worried my child will not be able to sit still during class; can I still take the class?
Yes! We understand Tots need to move! Movement is the main focus of our program. We keep the class moving at a fast pace to keep our dancers engaged in the class activities. We also realize children learn in different ways. Some children need to move their bodies to learn and we will respect different learners needs. The best way to keep your child interested in participating with the group is to be an active participant yourself. As the class progresses your child will become more familiar with the routine and structure of the class and learn how to follow directions. Our general guidelines are if the child is not doing anything that will put them in harm’s way, damage the space, or is disruptive to others they have the freedom to move as they need.
My child spends much of the class watching the other children rather than participating. Once we are home they repeat many of activities we’ve done in class. Am I doing something wrong?
No! Children learn and process new information in different ways. Some children need to observe and process before they feel comfortable participating. When your child repeats something they have learned in class acknowledge their learning through positive reinforcement and praise. Check out the Resources section on for dancing at home suggestions. When dance becomes a daily activity, children become more confident movers outside the home environment.
I have twins/multiple siblings; can I still take the class?
Yes! You are welcome to bring a second caregiver to help you during class. However, this is not necessary, as we will be working on developing your children’s independent dance skills.
I have a Tot and a baby, am I able to bring my baby to class with me?
Yes! Many caregivers bring their Tot and baby to our Intellidance® Tots program. We recommend bringing a baby carrier so you can wear your baby but remain hands free to interact with your Tot. If your baby is sleeping when you arrive you can bring the car seat into the classroom.
Does my child require specific dancewear to participate in this class?
No, comfortable clothing (sweats, leggings, tee-shirts, etc.) and bare feet are perfectly fine for the Intellidance® Tots program. If your little dancers does want to wear a leotard, tutu or dancer slippers this is also fine but not a requirement.
Can my spouse or another special adult attend class with my child?
Yes! You are welcome to send your child to class with any special caregiver of your choosing. We welcome grandparents and other special adults in your child’s life to join you as guests in our classroom.
What if I must miss a class?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer make-up classes at this time.
Intellidance® Tykes FAQ:
My child is not walking yet; can I still take the class?
We leave this decision up to you. Half our class will be seated music, movement, and play activities while the other half of the program does involve gross motor development. If your child is not yet walking you must be physically able to hold them during the dance sections of the class.
I’m worried my child will not be able to sit still during class; can I still take the class?
Yes! We understand Tykes are very busy so movement is a big part of our program. We keep the class moving at a fast pace to keep our littlest dancers engaged in the class activities. We also realize children learn in different ways. Some children need to move their bodies to learn and we will respect different learners needs. The best way to keep your child interested in participating with the group is to be an active participant yourself.
My child spends much of the class watching the other children rather than participating. Once we are home they repeat many of activities we’ve done in class. Am I doing something wrong?
No! Children learn and process new information in different ways. Some children need to observe and process before they feel comfortable participating. When your child repeats something they have learned in class acknowledge this learning through positive reinforcement and praise.
I have a Tyke and a baby, am I able to bring my baby to class with me?
Yes! Many caregivers bring their Tyke and baby to our Intellidance® Tykes program. We recommend bringing a baby carrier so you can wear your baby but remain hands free to interact with your Tyke. If your baby is sleeping when you arrive you can bring the car seat into the classroom.
I have twins; can I still take the class?
Yes! You are welcome to bring a second caregiver to help you during class. However, this is not necessary if both your children are walking independently.
Does my child require specific dancewear to participate in this class?
No, comfortable clothing (sweats, leggings, tee-shirts, etc.) and bare feet are perfectly fine for the Intellidance® programmes. If your little dancers does want to wear a leotard, tutu or dancer slippers this is also fine but not a requirement.
Can my spouse or another special adult attend class with my child?
Yes! You are welcome to send your child to class with any special caregiver of your choosing. We welcome grandparents and other special adults in your child’s life to join you as guests in our classroom.
What if I must miss a class?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer make-up classes at this time.
Intellidance® Babies FAQ:
At what age can I start bringing my baby to class?
We recommend your baby be at least 3 months of age before you start an Intellidance® Babies program. This gives your baby time to develop sufficient head control and neck support to participate in all activities. We provide modifications for babies ranging in age from 3-11 months.
I’m worried my baby with cry/ need to be fed/ need a diaper change during class. What should I do?
Please don’t be worried! Your baby’s comfort and needs are our number one priority in the Intellidance® Babies program. Crying is one way babies communicate and will not be considered a disruption to class. If you baby needs tending to during class, please take care of their needs first. You are more than welcome to feed or change your baby in the classroom so you can still observe the activities and rejoin the class when you and your baby are ready.
I have twins; can I still take the class?
Yes! You are welcome to bring a second caregiver to help you during class or your instructor can also assist you with one of your babies during the class.
Can my spouse or another special adult attend class with my child?
Yes! You are welcome to send your child to class with any special caregiver of your choosing. We welcome grandparents and other special adults in your child’s life to join you as guests in our classroom.
What if I must miss a class?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer make-up classes at this time.