Exercise and quality bonding time!? …sounds like a win-win to me!

Can’t seem to find enough time to fit in exercise and quality time with your babies or kids in the every day madness that is parenting?!? 

Well this may be the solution for you!…..Intellidance isn’t just GREAT for children, it’s GREAT for adults too! Intellidance creator Jessica Griffin shares how she had just over 1100 steps before she taught her Intellidance Babies class!….

“In 60 minutes I increased my step count to over 5400 and managed to burn 270 active calories (which is pretty awesome since we spend half of the Babies program seated- I’m sure this would be much higher for Tots and Kids!). My mamas would have been even more active, holding a 15-25 lb Baby during class.” …..

So why not spend some quality time with your little ones and burn a few calories while you’re at it too! 

A gift that keeps on giving…..

🎁 Sometimes the best gifts we can give are experiences! 💝

  • Build memories that last a lifetime,
  • Nurture creativity and musical expression,
  • Give your child a solid foundation in their physical, emotional and cognitive development.

Why not join one of our classes below in Pinelands? 👇

Email me on: inger@creatingtogether.co.za to book your spot!

INTELLIDANCE BABIES (3-11mths): Fridays from 10 – 11am (Term 1 starts on Friday 26th Jan and ends Friday 16th March)

INTELLIDANCE TYKES (12-24mths): Wednesdays from 10 – 10:45am and Fridays from 2:30 – 3:15pm (Term 1 Starts on Wed 24th Jan – Wed 14th March/ Fri 26th Jan- Fri 16th March)

INTELLIDANCE TOTS (2-4yrs, also to be attended with a caregiver): Thursdays from 3 – 3:45pm and Fridays from 11:15am-12:00pm (Term 1 starts on Thurs 25th Jan and ends Thurs 15th March/ Fri 26th Jan- Fri 16th March

What a magical year!

To all my Intellidance families……….
I have loved getting to know you all and watching the beautiful babies and children in your care, grow and blossom in so many ways! 💗

Let’s talk about….spine development!

It was all smiles in baby class today as we learnt some fun new songs and activities to help our babies work on that cervical curve! We all know daily tummy time is so important for spinal development, but it isn’t always so fun for our babies! Getting down on the floor and trying out some new and fun ways to engage our little ones can make tummy time a wonderful bonding experience!