Why Intellidance?

Why Intellidance…..? As a parent there are so many choices these days for extra enrichment activities to do with your little ones…..so why Intellidance? I could really go on and on about the many benefits and wonders of this programme, from developing musicality, creativity, early literacy skills, cultural awareness, co-ordination etc…but today I wanted to focus on just 5:

1 – We are researched based:

Our programme is based on extensive research in early childhood development making sure that your child is being taught using CURRENT best practices and recommendations for optimal learning and growth!

2 – Intellidance is good for your child’s brain!

Intellidance combines MUSIC, DANCE, and SENSORY PLAY creating a rich and powerful learning environment. When we move to music, various areas of our brains are being activated simultaneously related to language processing, memory, sensory processing and even areas associated with emotion. Research also shows that dance and music done in group settings will not only boost social-emotional development, but enhance neural development too.

3 – Intellidance is good for your child’s physical development: 

 Intellidance uses a concept-based approach to movement education. This teaches young children a meaningful movement vocabulary that can be applied to any style of dance, sport, or movement-based activity. Movement becomes a universal language and holistic learning tool that is beneficial to children worldwide.

4 – Intellidance boosts your child’s social-emotional development: 

 All humans from babies to adults are social creatures! We learn BEST through interacting and playing with others! Making new friends, socialising with others, taking turns, problem solving, listening, sharing, self-expression, creativity, interacting with a loving caregiver are all wonderful ways that help increase your child’s social-emotional development. But even more so, through dancing and singing together children learn about COMMUNITY and feel a strong sense of BELONGING. …“To a neutral observer, synchronized dance appears to be the result of a close relationship between the participants. To the participants themselves, although it may not begin this way, it typically ends up engendering strong feelings of sympathy, caring and affection.”(Levitan, D, 2008)

5 – Our families LOVE Intellidance:

Sometimes the best way to gauge whether a programme is right for you and your family is to ask the actual families that participate in our classes for their feedback…. so here’s just some of what the moms from Intellidance with Inger have to say:
“My 11-month-old visibly enjoys the classes, he is so cheerful and happy. He loves the hands-on instruments and moves along to the music. For me, the class is the most relaxing time of the week, I forget about everything else and solely concentrate on my child and myself. I love to see him so happy and I love the different types of bonding we experience together: We connect on a completely different level through music and dance, other than we do in every day situations. Inger is an amazing instructor! The way she offers the playing, the singing and the dancing feels so light and natural that I feel like a child again.” – Aleks (mom)

“A mix of music and dance concepts presented in a fun playful way – the best way to learn! My 2 and 5 year old loved the class. Each activity is intelligently designed to expand the children’s awareness of their bodies, different movements, rhythm, tempo, and types of music. Inger is wonderful with the children, patient, kind and warm, and she does an excellent job keeping the children’s attention and leading their learning and fun.” – Tatyana (mom)

“My 2 year old and I have really enjoyed the classes with Inger. Music, rhythm, dancing scarves, songs, instruments, rhymes and much more…….we have a lot of fun in each class!” – Marion (mom)

Registrations now open for our Spring Term!

Spring has sprung and with it a final Term of fun! Registrations are now open for our last term of the year and I am already looking forward to all the new songs, dances and games we will be playing together from the Intellidance Spring curriculum. We start up again on the 18th of October and will run for 6 weeks until the 23rd of November.

Please note: this Term is 6 weeks long instead of the usual 8, but due to other commitments at the end of the year I am unfortunately not able to fit anymore classes in this Term!


COST: The cost for this Term will be R600. This includes certificates and egg shaker instruments which will be given out to everyone on the last class of term.

VENUE: The Dance Co. Studio, 19 Ajax Way, Pinelands, Cape Town


INTELLIDANCE TOTS (2-5yrs) Thursday afternoons from 3pm-3:45pm

Dates: Thursday 18 Oct – Thursday 22 November

INTELIDANCE TYKES (1-2yrs) Friday mornings 10am-10:45am

Dates: Friday 19 October – Friday 23 November

INTELLIDANCE BABIES (3-12mths) Friday mornings from 11am-12pm

Dates: Friday 19 October – Friday 23 November

Come out of the cold this Winter and get that body moving!

As the colder weather sets in, Intellidance continues to provide a warm and safe space for your child to move and grow!

Through creative dance, music and sensory play, Intellidance provides a holistic, child-focused environment that fosters critical development in children from baby to age 5.


Intellidance uses a concept-based approach to movement education. This teaches young children a meaningful movement vocabulary that can be applied to any style of dance, sport, or movement-based activity. Movement becomes a universal language and holistic learning tool that is beneficial to children worldwide.

Conceptual dance is process driven. It challenges and inspires children to explore, inquire, and problem solve. Conceptual dance integrates cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This creates a holistic and child-focused environment.

Attending an Intellidance class will help to…


•Foster rhythmic awareness and the ability to move to the beat.

•Develop musicality through exploration of sensory props, songs, music and movement.

•Develop spatial and body awareness.

•Nurture social development, collaborative dance and cultural awareness.

•Foster language development and early literacy skills.

•Support individual creativity and expression.

•Develop gross motor and dance skills.

•Increase co-ordination, balance, and flexibility.


Your child’s second year of life….and 3 simple things we, as parents, can do to give them a head start in their physical, cognitive and social-emotional development:

If you have a child between 12 and 24 months then this one is for you, but actually these 3 simple things are really beneficial for any preschool aged child if you are wanting to give them a head start in learning and development!

Your child’s second year of life is a wonderful time of discovery and independence. They will begin to really move, explore, experiment and try to make sense of the world around them. Life becomes very busy! This is both a very exciting and challenging year for parents as your child really starts to find their own voice! But it is not just exhausting for us parents, this is a huge period of growth and learning for your child and they can easily end up exhausted and in tears of frustration due to the sheer amount of learning and growth that is taking place inside them.

Sometimes just making sure our little ones are clean, dressed and fed each day can be overwhelming enough, but if you are wondering how they should be developing during this time and how best you can you support them during this huge time of growth, have a read below: Continue reading “Your child’s second year of life….and 3 simple things we, as parents, can do to give them a head start in their physical, cognitive and social-emotional development:”

The Power of Music and Dance in Early Childhood Development

Whether you are a professional musician performing on stage, someone who just likes to sing in the shower, or are learning a new dance for your wedding day, music and dance has a way of weaving itself throughout our lives. Nursery Rhymes and lullabies ingrained in our own childhood memories continue to be passed down to our own children. In every culture around the world, music and song has been used to teach, soothe, cheer and inspire.

But why does music play such an important role in our lives? Continue reading “The Power of Music and Dance in Early Childhood Development”

LET’S DANCE! Intellidance Autumn Classes

It has been an amazing 1st term of 2018 and I am already getting excited about all that is in store for next term! We will be enjoying some special Autumn themed songs and dances as well as exploring some new music and movement concepts. These concepts provide opportunity for the children in our classes to experience, explore, and make connections between their body, movements, relationships, and the world.

***INTELLIDANCE BABIES (3-11mths): Fridays from 10 – 11am (Term Starts on Fri 20 April – Friday 15th June (no class on 27 April)
***INTELLIDANCE TYKES (12-24mths): Fridays from 11:15 – 12:00 and Fridays from 2:30 pm-3:15pm (Term Starts on Fri 20 April – Friday 15th June (no class on 27 April)
***INTELLIDANCE TOTS (2-4/5yrs, also to be attended with a caregiver): Thursdays from 3 – 3:45pm (Term starts on Thurs 19 April – Thursday 7 June)

WHERE: The Dance Co. Studio in Pinelands

COST: The cost is R750 per 8 week term per baby/child attending. There is also a once-off registration fee for each child of R200 (this includes a free egg shaker) ( If you have registered before you do not need to pay the registration fee again.)

TO BOOK: Please email me on Inger@creatingtogether.co.za

Easter Crafting Fun!

Today’s cold and cloudy weather was perfect for this fun Easter craft! Zakai, Kamali and I had so much fun decorating these eggs using a melted crayon method from the Intellidance blog: https://bit.ly/2E4BGoG

They were so so easy to make and the effects were quite stunning…even if I say so myself 😉! 
Zakai and Kamali couldn’t resist eating a couple straight away 😜 but we still have a few left to decorate our Easter table!

🐇 Have some time over the Easter weekend? …. I highly recommend this fun activity! We’ll definitely be doing it again!

Human Rights Day

To my amazing children Zakai and Kamali I wish for you peace, love, hope, joy and courage! …For a future filled with endless dreams, a present filled with all that is good and to never forget the past and those that have fought and sacrificed for the human rights we have today! #humanrightsday


I’m doing my own little “happy dance” in the office today because SPOTIFY IS NOW IN SOUTH AFRICA!… For those of you who don’t know …Spotify is a digital music streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs, podcasts and videos from artists all over the world. … The free version of Spotify can be accessed on PC, laptop and mobile phone.

Intellidance has a wonderful selection of playlists created specifically for Intellidance families to enjoy at home on Spotify. I often have parents and caregivers ask me about the songs from class and now you have a chance to enjoy listening and dancing to many of them for free from the comfort of your own home! From dance party time to cuddle and relax, there is a wonderful selection of Intellidance Play Lists for you to enjoy as a family.


Concept-based approach to movement education.

Did you know….the Intellidance® programmes use a concept-based approach to movement education. This teaches young children a meaningful movement vocabulary that can be applied to any style of dance, sport, or movement-based activity. Movement becomes a universal language and holistic learning tool that is beneficial to children worldwide.